United States Federal Holidays 2021 Calendar
Holidays give chance to people to come together and celebrate the occasion with friends and families. Holidays are celebrated by all countries but here we are focusing on Federal holidays for the year 2021.
Federal holidays are those holidays that are solely designated by the United States Congress every year. Government offices, businesses, schools, banks, and post offices are held closed on these days. Personnel in these institutions are entitled to paid leaves on federal holidays. And interesting news is that, if any holiday lies on a weekend that is Saturday or Sunday then they are observed on preceding Friday or Monday respectively.

A list of United States federal holidays in 2021 is attached below:
Federal Holidays 2021 USA | ||
Date | Holidays | Day |
January 1, 2021 | New Year’s Day | Friday |
January 18, 2021 | Martin Luther King Day | Monday |
February 15, 2021 | Presidents’ Day | Monday |
May 31, 2021 | Memorial Day | Monday |
July 4, 2021 | Independence Day | Sunday |
July 5, 2021 | Independence Day (observed) | Monday |
September 6, 2021 | Labor Day | Monday |
October 11, 2021 | Columbus Day | Monday |
November 11, 2021 | Veterans Day | Thursday |
November 25, 2021 | Thanksgiving Day | Thursday |
December 24, 2021 | Christmas Day (observed) | Friday |
December 25, 2021 | Christmas Day | Saturday |
December 31, 2021 | New Year’s Day (observed) | Friday |
Federal Holidays 2021 Calendar

New Year’s Day – January 1, 2021 (Friday)
This is the first day of the year according to Gregorian and Julian calendar and most countries around the world follow this calendar and celebrate day one of the year on January 1st. almost everybody starts countdown before midnight (12:00 am) and stroke the fireworks exactly at 12:00 am by giving new year wishes. Now due to a new trend, people usually make the New Year resolution(s) and set targets or goals that they want to achieve or accomplish in the same year.
Martin Luther King Day – January 18, 2021 (Monday)
Martin Luther King Day is also known as King Day, MLK Day, and reverend Dr. This day is a federal holiday which is celebrated/ observed on the third Monday of January month close to King’s actual birthday on January 15.
King influenced people and caught the world’s eye when he was the main activist of the 1950s civil rights movement in the United States. He was assassinated in 1968 but is always remembered for his non-violent nature.
MLK Day was first observed in January 1986 in the presidency of Ronald Reagan however, King Day was signed into the law in 1983. By the year 2000, all states of the U.S. officially started observing this day.
This day is a holiday but in the past some year people are taking this day as a ‘Day of Service’ where they try to help the needy one.
Presidents’ Day – February 15, 2021 (Monday)
Presidents’ Day is commonly used name in federal holidays but its official name is Washington’s Birthday. It is officially observed/ celebrated on the third Monday of February every year in the memory and achievement of the first president of United States George Washington (presidency period 1789-1797). Other renowned presidents are also honored on this day like Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson.
Presidents’ Day was firstly celebrated in 1880 on February 22 (actual birthday of George Washington) but since 1971 authorities started celebrating this day on the third Monday of February annually.
USA Federal Holidays 2021 –
Memorial Day – May 31, 2021 (Monday)
Memorial Day (Decorative day) is a special day that is commemorated for those who (Martyr) have lost their lives in the military while serving the country. This day is observed on the last Monday of May, and graves of the war martyrs are get decorated.
This day makes the weekend-long and signifies the hitting of the summer season.
Independence Day – July 4, 2021 (Sunday)
By its name, this day is obviously celebrated for the Independence of the United States. On July 4, 1776, Great Britain declared the United Nations as an independent nation by the publication.
This day is celebrated with parades, patriotic speeches, and splendid fireworks.
Labor Day – September 6, 2021 (Monday)
Labor Day is celebrated for the American Labor movement and for the contributions of citizens who are playing an integral role in the United States economy and giving strength to it. It is observed on the first Monday of September and it also depicts that the summer season is over. Most of the schools resume their operations but with different school starting time.
Columbus Day – October 11, 2021 (Monday)
This day is celebrated on the second Monday of October every year. It signifies the arrival of Christopher Columbus (An Italian Explorer) in America on October 12, 1492. This Day is observed as Thanksgiving Day in Canada.
List of Federal Holidays 2021 –
Veterans Day – November 11, 2021 (Thursday)
Veterans Day is a federal official holiday that is acknowledged on November 11th. This day is marked as honoring and remembering all those who have served in the military forces.
Armistice Day was the predecessor of Veterans Day, announced by United States President Woodrow Wilson for November 11, 1919, and was observed those who have lost their lives while fighting in World War I.
Thanksgiving Day – November 25, 2021 (Thursday)
Thanksgiving Day is the national holiday of the United States which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This is celebrated for giving thanks to God that what you have. This is the time when people take leave for Friday and enjoy the long weekend of four days with their beloved one. They eat a lot and maximum food is consumed this day particularly Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce.
Christmas Day – December 25, 2021 (Saturday)
Like New Year, Christmas is celebrated by billions of people all over the world every year on 25 December. It is the national holiday of the United States and many other countries too. This is a religious day for people who follow the holy book Bible and Jesus Christ’s footsteps. This day shops give huge discounts to people and since morning people rush can be seen easily outside the showrooms or malls.
These are the main holidays of the United States of America for the calendar Year 2021. Also, we have added the description and relevant information of all holidays so that you can grab the history and reason for the celebration of these days in states.
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