Here you find a great collection of printable calendar 2020 template and year calendar images for various use in schools, universities, and offices for students and staff.
The next decade is scheduled to begin on January 1, 2020, and has been awaited for many years. However, the last decade has given many heavenly memories that will not be forgotten. Also, we will welcome the New Year which is 2020 and we are hoping that it will be more surprising. Now there will be some new goals and everyone should know what efforts are needed to achieve that goal. To make it easier, this website will help you to reach your desired location. How can this be possible? Well, you don’t have to worry about it; all you need is self-motivation and dedication to achieve that particular goal.
The blog provides a basic tool that is being used in daily life and it will help you to create a schedule chart for achieving daily tasks. This is the best quality calendar image of the year 2020 and is shared with information about upcoming festival events. To access this calendar, you need an internet connection and any gadget that may be a desktop, laptop, and mobile phone.
Printable Calendar 2020 Template
Check out unique images of the printable calendar 2020 template which can be used for different purposes.
Key Features about the calendar template?
The color of the image is black and white and its original size is very small which can be accessible at low internet speeds. The font is very simple and understandable while the size is normal so that anyone can edit it as needed. High definition quality images have also been uploaded which will provide excellent quality at the time of printing. But here in this post, only compressed images are uploaded by our team and if you want to get a high-quality image, please contact us.
2020 2021 Calendar Template
Also, print two annual calendars simultaneously and it is available in many formats – jpg, png, excel, pdf, word. Print this calendar image of 2020 and 2021 which is free of charge and you can also get a copy of any calendar via mail. You have to enter the details here so that you can get information about all the coming months. Check it out – free printable calendar 2020 2021.

The first month of the year is January and this year in 2020, the month will start on Wednesday while the last day of the month is Friday. So in January 2020, there are a total of 4 Sundays. In most countries, Sunday is considered an official holiday. In the United States, federal holidays will occur on January 1st and 20th. Carnation and Snowdrop are the birth flowers of January.
The 1st day of January is celebrated as the New Year every year and the second official holiday is known as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The New Year event is not only celebrated in the United States, but almost all countries around the world celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm.
Monthly Calendar Printable
Check this simple blank January 2020 calendar printable template and save it to your tablet or mobile phone. And pictures related to the federal holiday have also been shared on this portal.
There are twelve months in a year where the first month is January and the last month of the year is December. The calendar from January 2020 to December 2020 can be found through all these links.
January 2020 Calendar – The top calendar images for the first-month calendar – January, are now ready to print. All these black and white calendars are higher in quality and pdf files are present for High Definition quality.
New Year – 1 January
Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday – 21 January
February 2020 Calendar – The month of February – 29 February with an extra day, usually consists of 28 days in the calendar. This year, an extra day is added in February and this day is also known as Leap day. Apart from this, it is the month of love and many love days are celebrated in the second week of the month.
- 7th Feb 2020: Rose Day
- 8th Feb 2020: Propose Day
- 9th Feb 2020: Chocolate Day
- 10th Feb 2020: Teddy Day
- 11th Feb 2020: Promise Day
- 12th Feb 2020: Hug Day
- 13th Feb 2020: Kiss Day
- 14th Feb 2020: Happy Valentine’s Day
Washington’s Birthday – Every year, the third Monday of February is considered an official holiday for all citizens in the US and was the birth date of George Washington, the first President of the United States. The whole of America celebrates it in honor of George Washington.
Washington’s Birthday – 18 February
March 2020 Calendar – It is the month of March which comes after February and consists of 31 days.
April 2020 Calendar – It is the fourth month of the year and April calendars are available for the process of scheduling classes.
May 2020 Calendar – The month after April, and the 5th month on the calendar is May. There are 30 days in a month and in 2020, the month will start on Friday and end on Sunday. A federal holiday is coming up on 25 May this month.
Memorial Day – 25 May
June 2020 Calendar – The next month is June and it is the arrival of the summer season. The summer season is expected to begin on Saturday, 20 June.
July 2020 Calendar – It has a total of 31 days in a month. It is the sixth month of the year and it can also be said that about half the year is completed by the last date of the month. This month, America’s Independence Day is celebrated every year.
Independence Day of America – 03 July

August 2020 Calendar – It has 31 days in a month and it is the eighth month of the year. This month, Indians celebrate their independence on 15 August and it is a national holiday in India.
September 2020 Calendar – It is the arrival of the autumn season and the summer season ends in the last days of August. In the United States, it is also called the fall season. In September, Labor Day is considered an official holiday (Federal Holiday) for a US citizen, which falls on the first Monday of the month each year.
Labor Day – 7 September
October 2020 Calendar – The weather conditions are very good in the United States in October and this is the best time to go there. Many awaited festivals are celebrated this month and the famous one is Halloween. Everyone loves to celebrate this occasion. A federal holiday occurs this month for the reason that Christopher’s Columbus arrived in the US on October 12, 1492, and it is the official anniversary so it is celebrated on this day every year.
Columbus Day – 12 October
November 2020 Calendar – The second last month of the year is November and in 2020, the month will start from Sunday and end on Monday. Two federal holidays a month are celebrated for the people of America, the first is Veterans Day which is celebrated every year on November 11 and the government provides a holiday to honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. The other is Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated on a different date in the United States and Canada.
Veterans Day – 11 November
Thanksgiving Day – 26 November
December 2020 Calendar – Last but not least, December is the month when many major events and festivals are celebrated in many nations. The most awaited day across the world which is celebrated on 25 December every year is Christmas Day. It is a Christian festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Christmas Day – 25 December
Leap Year 2020
There are always 365 days in a year but this year a total of 366 days will be in the annual calendar, this is known as leap year and it comes once every four years. Usually, the month of February is 29 days instead of 28 days and February 29 is known as Leap Day. Leap year calendar images have also been uploaded in recent posts, while the Leap Month 2020 (February 2020) calendar can also be printed through this blog.
The best thing about this printable calendar 2020 template is that it can be used for any purpose, official or personal. These templates are specifically used to arrange work in offices and to create timetables for students in schools. Besides, we have some social networks where we will regularly update more exclusive calendar pictures. Our services can also be obtained from various sources such as Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, We Heart it, Linkedin and many more.