Generally, a normal year has 365 days but a leap year has 366 days in a year. There are a lot of questions about the next leap year, so today you will get your answer here. After 4 years, the leap year has arrived and 2016 was the last leap year. There are usually 28 days in the month of February, but February 29 is added to the calendar in the leap year.
The leap year comes after an interval of every 4 years and in this year a total of 366 days will be printed in the calendar instead of 365 days. Also, details about upcoming leap years are also given below.
Year | Leap Year Day |
Leap year 2020 | Saturday, February 29 |
Leap year 2024 | Thursday, February 29 |
Leap year 2028 | Tuesday, February 29 |
Leap Year – 2020 2024 2028

Well in 2020, the leap day is on Saturday while four years later on Thursday, 29 February will be the leap day. The interesting fact about the leap year is that many people are born on this day and are called lepers or leap-year babies. In a non-leap year, people born on 29 February celebrate their birthday on 28 February or 1 March. If you are looking for a leap year calendar and you are searching for it on the internet then you will get some useful leap year calendar from here.
Also print year 2020 calendar as well as January 2020 printable calendar template for free.
Leap Year 2020 Calendar
A new month or year always starts with a lot of tasks and goals, but a correct plan is always needed to achieve success. There are very few and intuitive methods that can make this possible under any circumstances. There is only one method that can help person increase productivity in a short period of time. Yes, some difficult tasks can easily be achieved in a few days or weeks and a perfect planner provides the beginning of the process.
Almost all of us are very familiar with the calendar and we already know its importance. The calendar is being used by many corporate offices and is also useful in universities. With the help of the calendar, employers can easily make some plans for employees and give them deadlines to complete the tasks given to them while universities or institutes are used to create educational programs for students.
January 2020 – December 2020
Note: All template calendars are created by the Calendar-Gratis team and we have the copyright for these calendars. To print these leap year calendars you have to scroll down the page where you will find all these amazing pictures. Keep up with calendar-gratis as we are going to share some other categories that will help you make your daily routine easier than in previous times.
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